
Thursday, January 10, 2013

Business Convention Gone Wrong


It's been a few days since I've dreamed . . . and to be honest with you it's been a relief.

Last night was more about the people in my dream and how they interacted with me.  This time it was not so much about the scenery.  It began with me already in a a big retail store, walking in like I was proud to be there.  It was like a corporate convention going on for the business I was working for, on my way to find the room where it was taking place at.  In the meantime, throughout the store, they showcased some products.  It was like the Sears store and I was in the exercise equipment area.  I possibly dreamed the Sears store because Jordan (my fiancee) worked for the company.  I remember looking at the ellipticals and yoga mats then onto BBQ grills.  Someone came up behind me and put their hands over my eyes to guess who they were.  I turned around and it was this older guy, probably 15-20 years older than me.  In my dream I recognize who he is, but in real life I don't recognize his face.  I'm thinking he's suppose to represent my long lost bud Jeff Miller who I haven't heard from or seen in quite some time, although this guy in my dream was much older.  We chatted and he was there for the same reason as I was for the convention.  I remember at one point he was in front of me and I put my hands on his shoulders as if starting the conga line.  Some innocent flirting and just some good honest laughter with some old friend(s).  We get to the convention and we separate to say hello to other friends and coworkers we have.  We also separate because there were assigned seating and he was on one end and I was on another.  Upon going to my section, I see the owner of the company in my dream, who in real life is an owner of a company I previously worked for, which was MarineMax.  His name is Chuck, and he was as quiet in my dream as he was in waking life.  You can tell he was going over in his head about the business, and he watched me (as well as everyone else) how we interacted with each other - just like many managerial types do.  He too, is someone I haven't seen in ages.  As I walked over to my seat, I hear a familiar voice a few feet away to my right.  The voice belonged to Donnie Armold.  He's very charismatic, eccentric, and what women would like to call a "manipulative charmer".  He was very much like this in my dream as well.  I knew this about him, that his personality didn't phase me in the least and I could be soft-hearted and cordial with him without falling weak to his charm.  He knew this and I knew this - but he still persisted as it was in his nature to do.  I don't remember totally what our interaction was in the dream, but I remember hearing him talk, hearing him pursue me and tried to show off whenever he could to impress anyone.  I sat down at my seat which was just to the left of him, but an aisle laid between us, giving us even more distance from one another.  Tony Taylor, a gay friend of mine that I haven't seen since high school (and the reunion thereafter), had a seat right next to me on my left.  We were so happy to see one another and I remember saying to him how hansom he has become.  We sat and the corporate convention was about to start.  But just before it went on its way, and the room was quiet, a voice breaks that silence.  The voice is none other than Donnie, talking into this gadget that projects his voice like it was over the intercom . . . similar to a bullhorn.  I don't remember what he said, but I know he cracked some jokes and some people laughed - disrupting the whole seminar.  Tony was beyond upset because he took his travels to come to this seriously - and so he should.  But Tony wasn't mad at Donnie so much for being disruptive, as much as he was at me for giving Donnie that attention.  I remember Tony threatening my job position if I did not quit it, like some jealous guy and I remember telling him I can't lose my job over this.  He remarked he saw me flirting with Jeff and I should be ashamed about it especially how old he is, and further ashamed that I'd be like that moments later with Donnie.  I got upset because he saw it all wrong and I wasn't flirting, I was talking and being happy with them the same way I was with him.  I told him, "The only reason you think it's different is because you're gay and they're straight, and since I'm straight I have a better chance being with them by being happy as I strike up a conversation!"

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